Saturday, November 2, 2013

what is your intrest?

For people whom are part of my blog, I would like to know what you feel is interesting, feel free to write back

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tired of Being Used.. Here is my Closure Letter to the X

This is to notify you that I would appreciate your belongings out by Friday.  I have been asking you since December to remove objects.  I will help you by placing them on my front porch for easy removal.  I am glad that you can be so honest with me.  Hope you find the grass greener on the other side with your new friend you met in Lake Geneva.  I am hoping that you are happy with the decisions you made, because you cannot take them back.  I am very hurt by your lies, and cannot believe that you slept with that person.  However you were never honest with me in the past.  You made your choice, and there is no turning back.  Have fun starting a new life with someone you met while you were in a relationship, hope it does not come back to bite you in the ass.  No need to respond, your stuff will be placed on the porch Friday.  I will not be around this weekend as I have made plans.  This is just to notify you to please pick up your stuff.

Yes, I know we have a daughter, I am always taking care of her.  She deserves a better role model!  Not one who constantly lies and always drinking.  Why not for once ask her how YOUR DRINKING affects her?

 Oh, that is right... You said you were tired of hearing you SHOULD NOT DRINK ALL THE TIME!  You’re the one who made this decision, so go find the grass greener on the other side then.  YOU choose this.  I don't want you part of my life in any way, all you have done is used me and hurt me.  Like I said, before I look at you with sadness, I really thought you were going to be a MAN with morals and considered marriage, but thank you.. You have really opened up my eyes to the person whom you really are. Maybe I already knew that but hoped you would have changed one day for the better.  For what it's worth, Thank you for letting me see the light.  This will be the last time I write you, because honestly there is no need to hold any type of relationship with you.  As I also sent you a text, your stuff will be out on Friday, it will be sitting outside, and need the letter with your surrounding the dog.  I am moving and cannot take him.  He will be going to the Humane Society on Monday. 


Since is how this my fault and believe me not trying to hurt you.  Just giving you what you wanted, so be happy.

And just so I can be honest.., When I graduate in December I am looking to relocate either towards Milwaukee or Madison Area.  I have been talking to a business, in which they are interested in hiring me.  When It gets closer to the date, you will get a certified letter addressing this issue.  Have a good day. 


I also would like my computer back that you borrowed and any other belongings of mine that you took.  I will expect your stuff gone and my computer back on Friday.

The dog issue is your fault as well.  You choose to not to take care of that as well.. Blame who you need to make yourself feel better, It is your fault as well. (Just another thing you could not take care of). Even on the weekends you never did anything with the dog, all you did was dumped him off for someone else to take care of.  I have to make decisions that are best for my Family first. 


New beginnings mean new starts.