Saturday, November 2, 2013

what is your intrest?

For people whom are part of my blog, I would like to know what you feel is interesting, feel free to write back

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tired of Being Used.. Here is my Closure Letter to the X

This is to notify you that I would appreciate your belongings out by Friday.  I have been asking you since December to remove objects.  I will help you by placing them on my front porch for easy removal.  I am glad that you can be so honest with me.  Hope you find the grass greener on the other side with your new friend you met in Lake Geneva.  I am hoping that you are happy with the decisions you made, because you cannot take them back.  I am very hurt by your lies, and cannot believe that you slept with that person.  However you were never honest with me in the past.  You made your choice, and there is no turning back.  Have fun starting a new life with someone you met while you were in a relationship, hope it does not come back to bite you in the ass.  No need to respond, your stuff will be placed on the porch Friday.  I will not be around this weekend as I have made plans.  This is just to notify you to please pick up your stuff.

Yes, I know we have a daughter, I am always taking care of her.  She deserves a better role model!  Not one who constantly lies and always drinking.  Why not for once ask her how YOUR DRINKING affects her?

 Oh, that is right... You said you were tired of hearing you SHOULD NOT DRINK ALL THE TIME!  You’re the one who made this decision, so go find the grass greener on the other side then.  YOU choose this.  I don't want you part of my life in any way, all you have done is used me and hurt me.  Like I said, before I look at you with sadness, I really thought you were going to be a MAN with morals and considered marriage, but thank you.. You have really opened up my eyes to the person whom you really are. Maybe I already knew that but hoped you would have changed one day for the better.  For what it's worth, Thank you for letting me see the light.  This will be the last time I write you, because honestly there is no need to hold any type of relationship with you.  As I also sent you a text, your stuff will be out on Friday, it will be sitting outside, and need the letter with your surrounding the dog.  I am moving and cannot take him.  He will be going to the Humane Society on Monday. 


Since is how this my fault and believe me not trying to hurt you.  Just giving you what you wanted, so be happy.

And just so I can be honest.., When I graduate in December I am looking to relocate either towards Milwaukee or Madison Area.  I have been talking to a business, in which they are interested in hiring me.  When It gets closer to the date, you will get a certified letter addressing this issue.  Have a good day. 


I also would like my computer back that you borrowed and any other belongings of mine that you took.  I will expect your stuff gone and my computer back on Friday.

The dog issue is your fault as well.  You choose to not to take care of that as well.. Blame who you need to make yourself feel better, It is your fault as well. (Just another thing you could not take care of). Even on the weekends you never did anything with the dog, all you did was dumped him off for someone else to take care of.  I have to make decisions that are best for my Family first. 


New beginnings mean new starts.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Final Cut

This is my final cut for this editing project.  This is for educational purposes, however the meaning should be known world-wide.  I ask everyone who views this to help make a change and take a stand and do what you know is the right thing!

Final Cut

Monday, May 13, 2013

2nd Video Editing Project

2nd Video Editing Project "Take A Stand"

"As a marketer, It is my job to be an observer of Life" as I was told by the
Great and Powerful Robin Rodee-Schnieder.

 This video was made and edited because it is something I believe that each and every person has the power to stop.  I also believe that learning this lesson begins at home.   I hope that all who watches gets empowered and forwards the message- 'TAKE A STAND".

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

Feel free

Please feel free to comment on any post... Like to see comments!  Have a Great Day!

Friday, March 8, 2013

LP3 Week 3

This was a very hard week again.  It seems that there is a lot of information that needs to be collaborative on before the submission of the assessment.  I have worked on being accountable and made every meeting.  I did some sole searching through a new bookmark that I found.  It states that there are things that you need to give up today, in order to receive tomorrow.  I have looked at my goals again with thoughts of changing a few of them.  This week I decided that I need to change my work schedule because it seems that I just cannot get everything accomplished in a day. The day is not long enough however it is too long.  The sacrifices seem to be harder this term then last.  I know the importance of following through and do not want to let my team down.  I have been very respectful and was better at giving creative criticism.  I also am very close to accomplishing a goal, waiting to hear back as to when I can take my managers license.

Friday, March 1, 2013

LP3 Week 2

Identify your personal goals for the course.  Identify 5 specific and measurable goals you will work towards during this course that will impact you currently during your education and your future career.

My 5 Obtainable Goals;
Working enough hours to pay bills
Completing all my work to the best of my ability
become more creative
Obtain my managers liceanse
Graduate in December 2013

 As we are getting near the end of week 2 in Lp3, I found that I have an excellent team.  Each person has been accountable and achieved goals that were accomplished because of team work.  I learned that in order to complete the work I had to understand the material and work to the best of my ability.  I think that having the open threads in live chat are very useful and this is how the team and I accomplished our goals.  It was fairly easy to communicate and the best part is that if you need to go back and find out what something or someone said, it logs each conversation.  This has helped me understand the project better and what was required from me.

 As in the bookshelf blog that I have been keeping up with regardless of the topic the point remains that in order to achieve a goal, people need to comminute and work together, because that is how the best finishing products come from.

Friday, February 22, 2013

LP3 Week 1 Reflection

LP3 Week 1 Reflection

This week was very challenging.  The team and I met online in order to gather pertaining information for the group project that is due shortly.  We discovered items that are useful in creating a business plan, and why it was so important.  Looking at the goals to achieve throughout this course I concentrated on being creative and suggested that the group utilized the program anytime meetings, for our chat.  No one really wanted to use this but I, so we did not use it.  I thought that by being able to use such technology it would allowed us to directly put together our outline as the program allows screen share.  I am concerned at this point in knowing what the assessment to turn in really consists of.  I have instructions that state to complete a business plan together, however locating the scoring guide I do not see how that fits in.  I did decide to leave a message for the instructor so that I may understand what exactly we are supposed to be doing as a team.  I am trying my best and using some tools to get a better understanding of the items that need to be completed by their due dates.  I realize that at times it’s hard to read and interrupt what people exactly mean, so perhaps additional information and tools can be used.  I am not giving up at this point and will do what I need to achieve the results that are being asked within this course.