Friday, March 1, 2013

LP3 Week 2

Identify your personal goals for the course.  Identify 5 specific and measurable goals you will work towards during this course that will impact you currently during your education and your future career.

My 5 Obtainable Goals;
Working enough hours to pay bills
Completing all my work to the best of my ability
become more creative
Obtain my managers liceanse
Graduate in December 2013

 As we are getting near the end of week 2 in Lp3, I found that I have an excellent team.  Each person has been accountable and achieved goals that were accomplished because of team work.  I learned that in order to complete the work I had to understand the material and work to the best of my ability.  I think that having the open threads in live chat are very useful and this is how the team and I accomplished our goals.  It was fairly easy to communicate and the best part is that if you need to go back and find out what something or someone said, it logs each conversation.  This has helped me understand the project better and what was required from me.

 As in the bookshelf blog that I have been keeping up with regardless of the topic the point remains that in order to achieve a goal, people need to comminute and work together, because that is how the best finishing products come from.

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